Ellie's Tracker

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 29, 2013

My Sweet Baby and Crafty Things

Ellie is 10 months old! I cannot believe that in less than 2 months, we will be celebrating her first birthday! It's going too fast for comfort!

She's so silly and I love getting to see her personality develop. If she hears music, she dances! We're talking arms waving and head bouncing kind of dancing! It's so funny! Her favorite jam right now is the Bubble Guppies theme song. See her here:  Ellie Dancing

She enjoys roaming the first floor in her walker. If I'm behind her and tell her I'm going to get her, she screeches really loud and tries to go faster.

She's very interested in putting something small into something big - a toy in another toy, a toy in a bag, etc. She also likes taking the cap off of something and then putting it back on. Really working on those fine motor skills!

Ellie loves to eat! There isn't much she doesn't like. Well, except meat. She doesn't like meat so far. But fruits and veggies, eggs, pasta - YUM! She's already starting to learn about "sharing" her cheerios with the dog. If she wants to drop a couple to the floor for him, I'm ok with that. But I don't really like her holding it in her hand over the side of the high chair... I'm afraid in his eagerness for the treat, he will pry it from her tiny hand if she doesn't just let go. Not in a mean way, just in a "you're giving this to me so I want it, now let go" way.

I've been sewing up a storm lately. I made 2 more bags like the watermelon bag, for a woman that Hubby works with. They turned out very cute!

 Puffy Pouch with Flex Frame! I found this adorbs tutorial at Pink Penguin

Mama Saree

Friday, August 9, 2013

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Ellie is 9 Months Old!

Can you believe it? NINE MONTHS! Ellie is the BEST baby I've ever been around. She's such a good girl! Very easy-going, calm, HAPPY. She weighs 17 pounds, 13 ounces. She's in a big-girl car seat, now, instead of the infant seat. Shopping is one of her very favorite things. We get stopped a lot in stores so strangers can comment about her cheeks and tell me how gorgeous she is. She still sleeps through the night, and she loves to eat. She makes some pretty funny faces when trying new things, but there isn't much she doesn't like.

Here are some 9 month pictures that were taken this morning!

Build it up...

Knock it down...

This little girl is going to do great things.

Mama Saree