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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Nursery In Progress

After a great deal of internet searching, agonizing over reviews, and finally dragging Hubby into the decision-making process, I ordered a crib, mattress, and dresser/changer combo. That was on May 31st. The crib was delivered on June 2nd! I couldn’t believe how fast it came! The dresser and mattress arrived on June 12th. Now that the furniture was in the house, I was getting pretty antsy to paint! 

I already had the fabric for everything I was sewing, and wanted to match the paint to the pink colors. Half way to Lowe’s, Hubby points out that I didn’t bring a fabric sample to match paint to! Pregnancy Brain strikes again! We went back home, I got the fabric, and we headed off to Lowe’s again. We got all the paint supplies we needed, which ended up being much less than originally thought, thanks to my mom and dad giving us their box of paint supplies. I’m not sure who got the better deal on that… they seemed pretty happy not to have to store that box anymore. We taped the trim, Hubby filled in nail holes, and we even started painting, all in the same evening! As this was my first room-painting experience, I learned a few things: 
  •          I much prefer to trim with a small paintbrush than use the roller. I thought the roller would be fun, but it is hard work! I’d rather spend my time being meticulous with a brush.
  •          I’m pretty good at trimming without tape. We painted 3 walls a light pink and the 4th wall a darker pink. We didn’t tape the corners where the colors met – I just free-handed it. I think it turned out really nice.   
  •          Even though painting is work, and I hate working, I loved painting! I think it was because the nursery is the smallest bedroom in the house, and because Ellie is the best reason I can think of to paint! I’m so excited to have her that I would paint her room 10 times over if I had to!
Now that the room was painted, I had to KEEP WAITING to assemble the furniture because now the carpets needed cleaned! Ugh! I understand that Ellie has a while before arriving, but it was killing me! So I scheduled the carpet cleaners (they came last Friday), but then the carpet had to dry. And Hubby spent all day Saturday in Lexington! So we finally assembled the furniture this past Sunday. It’s looking like a nursery!

The room is quite small compared to the other bedrooms in the house, but it is the room right outside the master suite; the other rooms are on the other side of the house. I feel like the smallest room is best served as the nursery, anyway. Ellie can move into a bigger room when she gets older.


Closet: Those aren't even all of her clothes so far! She's a bit of a clothes horse already!

Dresser/Changing Table: The changing table pad is on our registry. It’s so hard not to rush out and buy it now that it has a place to go!!!

Glider: Please don’t pay too much attention to this yet. This was a garage sale score that I will post about later. It needs an extreme makeover: glider edition. I’ll go ahead and let you know it was only $30.

Now that her nursery has the essentials, I can fill in with fun details! Shelves on the wall, her name above the crib, a new light fixture, and of course more bedding décor – the curtains on the window and her quilt will be on the wall for the first while. I love that I’ll get to see it all come together over the next several months!

Mama Saree

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