Ellie's Tracker

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Sewing Non-Nursery Items...

I am very aware of how much still needs completed for the nursery. But have you seen how many baby items are online with tutorials? Sew much to make, sew little time!

So anyway, I found THIS cute tutorial over at homemade by jill. They only take a yard of fabric to make 4, so for super cheap, I could make tons of burp cloths! And I did!

I made 8 for myself, and 8 to split up and send to 2 expecting friends. If they see the post before receiving their package, oh well. I was too excited that they were done to wait to post them!

The girly ones are all mine. I made 4 of each in 2 designs:



Aren't they fun? I love how they turned out! Here's a group shot of 4 - Daisy couldn't resist...

So then I also got to make boy ones. I was boycotting Joann's for a day (long story), and Hobby Lobby's selection of baby flannel was really weak. So I got the turtles and the green. Then I gave in and went to Joann's anyway, getting the fabric to make the other 4. Luckily they were out of the boy version of the fabric with the little hands and feet, otherwise I probably would've ended up making even more! I think that fabric is so sweet!



Group Shot of 4:

So that's my fun non-nursery sewing that I worked on the last couple evenings while watching TV. Hubby is out of town this weekend, and boy is my project list long. What else do I have to do, right? It's quite ambitious, to say the least, but I'm up for the challenge. I'm getting more and more lazy each day, so I need to hurry up and get this stuff done! Do you think Twix will take my Bump Saturday pic for me?

Mama Saree

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