Ellie's Tracker

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Our Favorite Things

Ellie is over 5 months old! I cannot believe how fast the time goes! While I want nothing more than to stay home with her all day every day, I do like having the freedom to buy Ellie EVERYTHING!!! I just purchased a whole bunch of fun bowls and spoons so Ellie can eat foods very soon, several more books, a digital crib soother, some Aden + Anais lovies, a toy, and more! If I didn't work, I'd really have to cut back on my shopping. Yes, Ellie takes priority over shopping, but I also know that she is safe and well cared for with Gigi (my mom) during the day while I'm at work. Perhaps if we were in a situation where she had to go to daycare, I would make a different choice. Getting 5+ weeks off during the year helps, too! I love Ellie more than anything in the whole world, but I think having to spend my day away from her makes me appreciate the time I do have with her even more. I live for our time in the evenings and weekends.

As she grows and her personality develops, we have found some things that are our favorites. She may not care about a few of them, but I love them!

1. & 2. Rock n Play and the Blue Gerber Phone

The Rock n Play was where she slept for a while when she would spit up every time she layed flat on her back when she was really little. We also had her sleep in it at 4 months old when she was sick, to help with drainage. Now, she hangs out in the Rock n Play in the mornings after I feed her while I finish getting myself ready for work.

The blue Gerber phone was a gift from our neighbor across the street, and it was an instant favorite. There is a little bead or something inside, so it makes a very loud rattle sound when she shakes it - plus it is very easy to grip, so therefore very easy to shake! Funny how she may not actually ever see a real phone shaped like that...

 3. Arms Reach Mini Co-Sleeper & 4. Halo Sleepsack with Swaddle

Here she is in the Arms Reach mini co-sleeper sporting her fleece sleepsack/swaddle. I loved having the co-sleeper, and was sad to move her into her crib. She is now in a cooler cotton sleepsack/swaddle, as the fleece is a bit warm now, but she loves being wrapped up! Around 7:30-8:00 PM I feed her, change her diaper, put her in a onesie, put her in the sleepsack, rock her for a few minutes, and lay her in the crib. As a general rule, she sleeps until I wake her up at 5:45 AM! She might fuss in the middle of the night, needing her paci back, but that's a quick and easy fix. I strongly believe the credit for sleeping through the night goes to the sleepsack.

5. Plastic Rings

Ellie's Uncle, Aunt, and Cousin got her a pack of these bad boys for Christmas. Holy Cow does she love them! They are so easy for her little hands to hold. We even have one that stays in the carseat, and she holds it while she rides. So cute!

6. Sock-Ons

See those little things on her feet, over her socks? Those are Sock-Ons. They are amazing tiny little things. They actually keep her socks on her feet! I highly recommend them. She also loves animals. I think she likes to pet Twix most, but she'll take whoever she can get. Here she is getting an up-close look at Eli!

7.  Books - especially ones with a crinkle page!

Ellie loves books. She will look at the page and then crane her neck back to see your face as you read to her. She is so focused. I love it. I feel like I can actually see her soaking it all in and learning. Sometimes she isn't quite so focused, and just wants to thrash the book back and forth by a crinkle page so it makes noise. 

8. Aden + Anais blankey (security blanket)

I love this little blankey. It is super lightweight and very soft. She loves to rub it on her face when she is sleepy, and feel the satin edges when she's watching something. I also like that she has something that is comforting and smells familiar to her. She is very much a Mama's Girl, and doesn't really want too many other people to hold her. Now she is a little more willing for some people to hold her, if she has her blankey. In the picture, you can see she also has a paci... she loves those too - MAM brand.

So those are our favorite things. We like lots of other things, but those are at the top of the list!

Mama Saree

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